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There a quite a few internet service provders. Basically you have your phone company, cable company, or a thrid party provider that works through your cable or phone service. Types of internet service are DSL, Dialup, Cable, and Satellite. If you don't have high speed available then you will have to go with dialup or satellite. In some places you can get what is called naked DSL. This means you can get DSL internet without having telephone service. Not many places are offering naked DSL, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to try and find out if it is offered in your area. As far as dialup, there are a number of dialup providers. Service can range from free to about $25.00 a month. Dialup speeds supposedly go as high as 56k, but I've always heard that phone lines are regulated to 53k. Services that offer "high speed" dialup seem to cache websites that you visit so that you can access them faster.

Internet safety is a big issue these days, sepecially with kids getting online. I recently found a website called Surfing the Net with Kids. This website has a lot of good information on internet safety,. It is also has games, newsletters, and a lot more. There is also a Surf Net Parents website. It has a lot of articles and information for parents trying to raise their children in today's highly technical and diverse world.

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